Sunday, February 2, 2014

Imperfection Is Beauty

Hey everyone! Happy Superbowl Sunday! (Go Seahawks!) I hope you're all doing well! I don't know about you, but I have midterms this week so that's stressful, but at least I have you guys to keep me calm :) Anyway.. I wanted to talk to you guys about eating habits. Now I for one love food. Especially food that's not so good for you like pizza and french fries. However, for about three years now I have suffered from migraines. At first I thought they were due to stress, but considering the fact that I haven't been very stressed lately yet I'm still getting them, kind of rules that one out. I've tried doing relaxation techniques but they don't really work for me, so that left me with two more options. I could go on medication (which I didn't want to do), or I could try the anti-inflammatory diet. So, I'm now on a very strict diet that, even though the foods are limited, has left me feeling really good. It's a gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, caffeine-free, sugar substitute-free, low sodium diet. So basically I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, almond butter, sugar-free granola, almond milk, and things like that. That being said, I am not on this diet to loose weight, although it's a bonus, and I want you all to know that you don't have to be slim to be beautiful. Everyone is built differently and that's what makes us unique, so embrace it and, from the wise words of Oscar Wilde, "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."

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