Hey everyone! I hope you were able to enjoy the rest of your summer! It has been crazy around here as school started and I got back into the groove of teaching. For those of you who don't know, this is my second year teaching second grade in eastern Oregon and I really love what I do. Although, I'll be the first to admit that TEACHING IS FREAKING HARD. Anyone who teaches or spends a lot of time with kids could probably agree that, while it's very difficult at times, it's an extremely rewarding experience. Every day I'm working hard to find new ways to have FUN while learning difficult content. I have so many things that I do in my classroom that I absolutely LOVE. Specifically, I have different methods for encouraging students to be successful, including getting to ring a bell, I use Seesaw a LOT because it's an app that allows students to express their creativity while demonstrating their knowledge, I also have different games that we play, such as using a comprehension beach ball to answer questions about the text, I could go on and on. And maybe I will make separate posts about a few of those tips and tricks. I hope you enjoyed this little update. I really wanted to just let you know what's going on and why I've been absent. As I've mentioned before, I can't guarantee regular posts, but I will do my best to update you all once in a while to let you know what's going on in my life. Please leave a comment below telling me how your fall is going and what your favorite fall activity is. Mine is going to the pumpkin patch! I love you all and will talk to you soon.